June 08. 2024
Pierre-Alain Croset, Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi, Politecnico di Milano, DaStU (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies)
With Amir Adelfar, Francesca Diano, Alberto Geuna, Maria Chiara Giangregorio
Vertical social condensers and “Fantastic” Waterfronts in Rijeka, Croatia:
Architectural design Studio
Vertical Social Condensers

For the second consecutive year, the Architectural Design Studiowas organized as an international collaborative class with theInstitute of Architecture Technology at the Technical UniversityGraz (TUG), with the participation of the teachers Marisol Vidaland Martin Boleš. Students and teachers from PoliMI and TUGoperated in the parallel Design Studios of the respective Mastersin Architecture. The collaboration fostered a fruitful interchangeof discussions among the students to elaborate their on-siteanalysis and design. Overall, this collaboration helped to sharedifferent teaching approaches between PoliMI and TUG towards amore international exchange of pedagogical methods. In addition,the enrolled students were mainly international, coming frommore than 20 different countries, bringing their cultural andeducational backgrounds for engaging discussion and designproposals.
The Design Studio actively encouraged collaboration with localinstitutions and architects to ground the design proposals asmuch as possible in the real socio-political-urban conditions ofRijeka. We activated direct partnerships with the DeltaLab(https://deltalab.hr/en/about-us/) – organized by the Center forUrban Transition, Architecture and Urbanism at the University ofRijeka (led by Ida Križaj Leko) – which developed outstandingresearch activities on the urban history of Rijeka and organizedthe main exhibitions and cultural activities of Rijeka 2020“European Capital of Culture”.