Fall and Spring Semester, 2014-2017
Leonardo ZUCCARO MARCHI, TU Delft, Seminar Architectural Studies, Msc1.
“Tools of Architecture” and “Roles of the Architect”
ROLE: Visiting Lecturer
Faculty of Architecture–Methods and Analysis chair
This course fosters critical awareness and creative abilities of students to engage the various tools of architecture. Through the course, students will explore a set of tools between canonical and experimental approaches; their modus operandi between process and representation; their instrumentality for both analytic and projective modes of thinking. Students develop a series of one-week assignments to explore the ideas and theories, which lie behind the design, but also the tools used to express and develop it.
Each week will focus on a specific tool (ranging from classical to new ones, from visual to textual, from bi-dimensional to multidimensional, from methodological to playful, from the purely technical to totally popularizing, from fast to slow, and so on). Each task reinterprets the initial project, while each task asks also for a transformation of the ideas discovered through the former tool. Respective weekly readings will encourage students to rethink and openly discuss the distinctiveness and uniqueness of the tools, their limits and potentials.

TEACHING PRACTICE: Seminar architectural Studies

This course challenges students to position themselves in relation to the world at large and current modes and forms of architectural practice. Throughout the course students will inquire into current examples of diverse architectural roles and agencies; their foci and scopes, their socio-economical context and theoretical background. During this workshop students will comparatively analyse, contextualize, derive, and discuss roles of architects in current practice through reading, researching and mapping. They will also gain a deeper understanding of their own position in, and relation to the world, by researching and mapping their own situation.

So then you begin to learn who you really are. You begin to see the energy pulsing around you, the ever changing colours of light. You begin to realize how strongly your feelings; love and hatred, joy and sadness radiate outwards and reach for others. You begin to appreciate the centre of your own existence, the warmth in your chest that will always be your home. You begin to experience love as an ever pulsing field softly embracing everything. You and I, the birds out there, the leaves of your favourite tree on your way home, the unknown laugh of someone you have never met, the sun as it breaks through the clouds, the rain, the mild rhythm of drops hitting your window. And then you begin to see, as you try to evoke your life, your last year, that all you remember from the distance of time are moments in space.
So infinitely short they slip out of your hands would you try to grasp them.
Moments populate your heart. And spaces of the outside are awakened by their inner existence.
Moments are spatial.