/ The heart of the Food Valley
Barilla Pavilion

Our contemporary challenge is to look for and generate new kinds of proximity by connecting living and producing spheres, one of the main issues of our contemporary condition in the built environment. The Barilla pavilion aims to tackle this urgency by positioning the synergy between cultural and productive elements at the very heart of the project.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” will become the symbolical presence of a new innovative productive landscape to develop a more sustainable life for inhabitants.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” focuses attention on social, spatial, urban, cultural and environmental scenarios for a new sustainable productive food landscape.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” is a condensed and sustainable productive landscape of food, rather than a mere central multifunctional building.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” is designed through overlapping and connected functions for living-education-production-manifacture-research-recycling-distribution-sales within an innovative circular landscape of production, achieving a new identity for a vibrant society.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” is a social condenser, a place of gathering.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” expresses the design of urban integration of productive activities (such as the production of energy, low-skilled services, agriculture and food, post industrial products) enhancing new urban-agricultural synergies for visitors and society itself.
“The Heart of the Food Valley” is an attractor of public life, a new pole of appeal within the existing urban-landscape-productive constellation.
Author: Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi